Welcome to Missional Journey

...thoughts on Missional churches, missional people and how a church planting movement might be fostered in the Texas District, LCMS.

Some have been gleaned from others who are writing, speaking and living with church planting everyday. Some are my own thoughts from my own experience with church planters and missional churches. Your comments and reactions are welcomed.

God's Blessings as you continue on your own missional journey.
Paul Krentz
Mission and Ministry Facilitator
Texas District, LCMS

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dramatic Population Surge Makes Compelling Case for a Multiplying Mission Movement in Texas

From 2010 through 2035 (a 25 year period) Texas is projected to grow by 12.3 million people - 2/3 of whom will be unchurched.  That growth is larger than the current population of 44 of the 50 states.

That points to an undeniable need for a Multiplying Mission Movement in Texas.  Why?  The New Testament is clear about why so many people are coming here.

Acts 17:26-27 tells us  "From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. {27} God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.

Paul tells us in this sermon delivered in Athens that the very reason people move somewhere is so that they can get connected to Jesus.

When you put the demographics together with the reason people live where they live, it is absolutely undeniable that God has brought incredible opportunity together with Great Commission focused believers and churches so that we might play a role in expanding God's Kingdom.  How does that happen?  It occurs through a Multiplying Mission Movement.   What is such a movement?  It is characterized by a…

        Rapid Multiplication of Disciples
        Rapid Multiplication of Leaders
        Rapid Multiplication of Churches
        Rapid Multiplication of Networks
                                                            …and happening in that order which is descriptive of how the Spirit grew the Kingdom through the Early Church.

Rapid Multiplication of Disciples? Acts 6:7 points it out "So the word of God increased, and the number of disciples in Jerusalem multiplied"

Rapid Multiplication of Leaders?  2 Timothy 2:2  And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. In one verse Paul spells out a 4 generation multiplication of leaders: Paul, Timothy, Reliable Men, Others.

Rapid Multiplication of Churches? Acts 9:31 is one place we hear about it “So the church throughout all Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was being built up. And walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, it multiplied.”

Rapid Multiplication of Networks? 1 Corinthians 16:19 “The churches in the province of Asia send you greetings.”  Galatians 1:2-3  “and all the brothers with me, To the churches in Galatia: {3} Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ,” Networks of churches grew and birthed new networks.

It is our fervent prayer that pastors, churches, commissioned ministers and lay leaders lay hold of the opportunities this time in Texas history offers us to multiply disciples, multiply leaders, multiply churches and multiply mission networks.

As a Mission and Ministry Facilitator, I covet the chance to sit down with leaders and ponder, pray and plan for the opportunity to be a part of a multiplying missional movement in Texas.

1 comment:

Michael Newman said...

Great article, Paul. I love the way you apply Scriptural mission truths to the work we've been given to do.